Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Apparently, I should have gone to USC

Four years ago around this time, I made the biggest decision to date, signing my letter of intent, committing to Southern Illinois University. No, I don't play ball, but I do make it rain!

OK, all jokes aside, after doing my daily web searching, I've come to the conclusion that I should maybe have tried harder in high school so I could have gone to the University of Southern California.

Note: USC is one of the schools I will constantly mention when it comes to completing the sentence: I should have gone to _____ for college.

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you Exhibit A.

Hey, even the Beach Boys wished they could all be California girls -- especially if they looked like this. And even though it's a 50-50 breakdown of the student body, I like my chances with ditzy Cali girls.

And you know what the sad thing is? That because these girls are smokin' hot, they buried all of my other ideas for today's blog story. Instead, you'll get some blurbs:

  • This story might explain a lot. According to someone with too much time on their hands, "sex is for winners" and that there is a direct correlation between a fan's sexual performance and the performance of his team. If that's tough news for Cubs fans, I guess you could say Yankee fans might want to go get themselves checked out.
  • My favorite story of the day is Dodgers GM Ned Colletti is jumping on the blogging bandwagon. Colletti allowed bloggers to come and cover the team, following in the footsteps of my idol Mark Cuban. Hopefully when Cuban buys the Cubs, he will carry that policy over and allow me to cover the Cubs.
That's all for now. I can't wait 'til tomorrow. Hopefully I have some good stuff about signing day for the SIU men's basketball team, some good news from the SIU women's golf team and maybe (just maybe) some Dusty Baker insight.

Enjoy your Tuesday afternoon.

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