There's nothing like going out and seeing a pretty little twentysomething at the bar and grabbing enough courage (liquid or otherwise) to talk to her ... just to see her go into her purse to grab a cancer stick and light it up.
Honestly it makes me cringe.
And it's not like I hate smokers. My parents are smokers and despite the government's hatred toward smokers (see the increasing taxes on cigs), I've turned out to be quite healthy. And I don't mind that you smoke, it's your prerogative. There's nothing wrong with it, other than some health effects that some people don't even feel.
Still, nothing makes me throw up in my mouth a little than the thought of kissing a girl fresh off a puff. The only time I've been able to do it was when I've been heavily intoxicated. Granted, I've been known to do a lot of things when I'm heavily intoxicated but that's another post for another day.
As my pursuit of the perfect woman continues, I've come to the conclusion that I might have to settle for a girl who smokes and I guess if she has all the other right qualities she's good to go ... still, the thought of a smoke kiss is making me cough right now (seriously I'm coughing as I type and am getting up to get some water after I finish this line.)
OK, much better!
In conclusion, it's not like I'm going to eliminate all girls that smoke from the pool of available women. Truth be told, if I found out Erin Andrews or Carrie Underwood or Eva Mendes were sexually and emotionally into me and smoked like a chimney I'd jump for joy and forget that I ever wrote this post.
Well, I'm done with that rant. Y'all take care now!
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